Meaning of trager approach



Trager approach


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Meaning and definition of trager approach :


An approach to body work developed in the 1920s by American medical practitioner Dr. Milton Trager, makes extensive use of touch/contact and encourages the client to experience the freeing up of different parts of the body, the approach consists of simple exercises called Mentastics and deep, nonintrusive hands-on work, including fluid, gentle, rocking movements, the idea is to use motion in the muscles and joints to produce positive sensory feelings that then are fed back into the central nervous system, a session takes from 60 to 90 minutes, no oils or lotions are used, the client wears a swimsuit or underwear and lies on a well-padded table in a warm, comfortable environment, after getting up from the table, the client is given instruction in the use of Mentastics, or “mental gymnastics,” a system of simple, effortless movement sequences, to maintain and enhance the sense of lightness, freedom, and flexibility instilled by the table work, because it is this feeling state that triggered positive tissue response in the first place, every time the feeling is clearly recalled, the changes deepen, become more permanent, and are more receptive to further positive change, changes described have included the disappearance of specific symptoms, discomforts, or pains, heightened levels of energy and vitality, more effortless posture and carriage, greater joint mobility, deeper states of relaxation than were previously possible, and a new ease in daily activities.


For the term trager approach may also exist other definitions and meanings, the meaning and definition indicated above are indicative not be used for medical and legal or special purposes.


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Meaning and definition of trager approach
Trager approach